We’re a little different than most thrift stores around because we sell an eclectic mix of quality used furniture, tested appliances, and some of the most unusual and interesting home decor items around. The Restore also offers a great selection of cabinets as well as building materials, including windows, doors and plumbing fixtures. Read more…
Through your donations we are able to generate revenue to help fund the construction of Habitat homes. At the same time we provide the public an opportunity to purchase items at significant savings while helping to protect our environment by keeping hundreds of tons of waste from reaching our landfills. Read more…
We are always looking for volunteers to help us continue to provide af-fordable housing to those in need. Contact us today to learn more about becoming a ReStore volunteer. Read more…
ReStore is a fundraising division of Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County. The ReStore exists to support Habitat CFC’s mission of providing decent, affordable housing to hardworking, low-income families. Profits generated from ReStore sales help to build new homes in Fairfield County communities. Read more…
Business Hours
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Closed every Sunday, Monday, & Holidays
Donation Drop-Off Hours
If you are dropping off a donation please arrive 30 minutes prior to closing.
Habitat for humanity international
Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976. Since that time, Habitat affiliates have built or rehabbed over 250,000 houses, serving over one million people worldwide.
Business Hours
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Closed every Sunday, Monday, & Holidays
Donation Drop-Off Hours
If you are dropping off a donation please arrive 30 minutes prior to closing.
ReStore Address
40 Honeyspot Road
Stratford, CT 06615
Phone: 203-383-4358